2012-07-29 - RCT with Barry, Don, Megan, and Rebecca


~13 miles @ ~11.2 min/mi

Two energy gels, four S! e-caps, and a bottle of Gatorade help fight the humidity this warm Sunday morning. Take the long way from home, 3 miles down Rock Creek Trail to Candy Cane City. Pause to stalk and photograph a small herd of deer feeding on Ray's Meadow. Megan O'Rourke, Don Libes, and Barry Smith are already there when I arrive a few minutes after 0630; Rebecca Rosenberg appears soon after. We walk south along Rock Creek Trail while she attempts to phone the Humane Society to report a possible injured cat she saw on her way to meet us.

Once on Beach Dr in DC Megan and I run ahead. She recounts her Ironman triathlon training, serious start planned for September. At Broad Branch Rd the group has done 5 miles and turns back. Don Libes and I dash ahead and chat about web pages, movies, and foot injuries. Otakon, an anime/manga fan convention, is happening in Baltimore this weekend. Coincidentally both Don's daughter Kenna and my son Merle are attending.

Back at the cars after a fast final mile I beg a ride home from kind Barry. The Garmin GPS trackfile shows path and mile splits: 10:27 + 9:54 + 11:33 + 14:05 + 9:49 + 11:25 + 11:33 + 12:39 + 10:35 + 12:24 + 11:13 + 10:44 + 9:09 — yes, that was a bit o' blitz to the finish!

^z - 2012-08-19